Raising Arrows

Mamas, let this be the year you find your tribe!  Join us for a time of food and fellowship, crafts and teachings.  Raising Arrows is open to all moms from pregnancy through 6th grade. Childcare is available for infants – 6 years old.

We will meet twice monthly on Thursdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am September 26th - May 18th in the Cafe.  Cost is $45 per mama and $10 for childcare per family. Cost includes crafts, childcare, speakers and much more. We will also meet off campus for playdates and fieldtrips throughout the year, including Irvine Park, Party Kingdom, beach days,  and park days.

Meeting Dates:

September 26

October 10 & 24

November 7 & 21

December 5 & 19

January 9 & 23

February 6 & 20

March 6 & 20

April 10 & 24

May 8

Mamas, let this be the year you find your tribe!  Join us for a time of food and fellowship, crafts and teachings.  Raising Arrows is open to all moms from pregnancy through 6th grade. Childcare is available for infants – 6 years old.

We will meet twice monthly on Thursdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am September 26th - May 18th in the Cafe.  Cost is $45 per mama and $10 for childcare per family. Cost includes crafts, childcare, speakers and much more. We will also meet off campus for playdates and fieldtrips throughout the year, including Irvine Park, Party Kingdom, beach days,  and park days.

Meeting Dates:

September 26

October 10 & 24

November 7 & 21

December 5 & 19

January 9 & 23

February 6 & 20

March 6 & 20

April 10 & 24

May 8

Twice Monthly Thursdays, beginning September 26
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Carin Schaller

Our New

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